Come on just one more for 10!
We can maybe start early if the kids aren’t indoors yet
Sorry have to drop out cuz I’m sick guys, hopefully you can get an 8th
I am sending some messages to people but I am not finding anyone yet
Can we reach timis, sakke or anyone else from regulars? Wouldnt mind more from Stan as well !
Ville and Timis cant make it
Should we have 8 before 19.00 or cancel?
Couldn't find anyone :( I am OK with playing 3 vs 4 but I am up for whatever you choose
What say you mr.Jompi?
Ahaaa! We're 8
Praise the lord!
Should we aim to start already 19:45 today?
Yeah we’re aiming to get there early enough to do that (Dan, Antti, Alan)
Yes! I forgot to update it here. Lets try start around 19.45
Alan ei pääsekkään tänään joten 8 toistaseks
If we dont get 8 before 4 pm we should cancel
And we have 8, great!
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